Wednesday, September 5, 2007

water is good for you.

really, it is.
time is a sneaky, sneaky thing. so now both halves of my marching band phase are over, which came right after my 9th grade, andreaamyverajosh phase, which means i am getting to be very far away from the person i see myself as. but, i'm doing something different, right? expanding my horizons etc. etc. i'm also failing to fully commit to BOC. and a little mike jewitt is in my head accusing me of being a failure and a slacker. let's not pretend that Stampede wasn't secretly my goal the past couple years. it's like this whole seperate universe i could've been part of, but then decided not to be. good thing? bad thing? i'm sure there are pros and cons. it's just difficult to walk away without a last glance.
goodbye, horrible emotional turmoil and general awkwardness mingled with random success.
now entering pre-university phase/mad panic phase.
i wish i had time to chill the fuck out.

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