Thursday, September 20, 2007

romanticize-- it makes things easier.

i actually spent time with jason. it was... different, though not necessarily unpleasant. i'm just hoping he's got the impression that i'm no longer easily angered by him, and that he doesn't have to be afraid anymore.
but to be fair, the fear was initially totally justified.
i like being busy. i like not having to justify my hermit-like tendancies, it's just that i'm always busy. i like late afternoon sunshine on yellow leaves with sodt blue-grey clouds and lightning in the distance.
i really dislike living cliches. I feel like i spend a great part of my time trying to avoid being a cliche. and i think i probably miss out on alot because of that.
i don't like letting people read my notebook. it feels very unsafe. i don't like feeling uncomfortable around you every day... or is it that i feel too comfortable?
this summer:
"I am never a better person than i am with my unknowing extended family. My potential with them is honestly undefined. I could be an astronaut. I could win a Nobel prize. I could be Ghandi. I could be the first female fucking president of the USA. Though I think they'd be satisfied with me graduating from University."

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